Jul 14, 2017 - By Noreen T. M.

Stay in touch with your viewers with the new Twitch mobile app

Stay in touch with your viewers using the new Twitch mobile app

If you’re hitting the road this summer, check out our four-part AFK Series featuring tips for using Twitch to your advantage when you’re going to be away from keyboard. You’ll read about putting your channel page to work for you, engaging your audience while you’re away from your full streaming rig, and preparing for your eventual return (because, sadly, all good vacations must come to an end).

Last week we launched the brand new Twitch mobile app, which makes it easier to stay connected to Twitch, even when you’re on vacation. What a coincidence!

The app lets you find your favorite content, people, and streams on Twitch when you’re on the go. It also lets you stay in touch with your viewers without juggling tons of social media apps.

When you stream, you build a community, and that doesn’t just go away when you’re not at home. We’re online all the time anyway, and with the help of some tools on Twitch, it’s easy to stay in touch with your viewers no matter where you are.

Keep reading to learn more about…

Read and reply to messages on your uploads

If you read Part 1 of this series, you already know that before you hit the road you can schedule your uploaded videos to automagically go live when you’re offline. It took some sorcery, but we made it happen.

Once your video is published, the chat messages will start rolling in. Your viewers can leave timestamped messages on your uploads, bringing all the fun of Twitch chat to videos. When you watch your uploaded video in the new Twitch mobile app, you’ll be able to keep in touch with your viewers by responding to messages on the fly.

Learn more in our Guide to Chat on Videos.

Use mobile streaming to share your vacation experience with your viewers

As much as you might like to pack up your whole streaming rig and take it with your for some vacation-time gaming, it’s not exactly practical to fit a PC in your carry-on. With the latest mobile app update, you can stream to your channel directly from your phone’s camera — just tap the camera icon on the Pulse tab.

When you go live with a mobile stream, remember to:

  • Check that you have a stable internet connection before going live.

  • Stay safe and aware of your surroundings.

  • Protect your privacy and the privacy of others. Sharing your location or personal info can be risky.

  • Respect the content of others. If you’re at a concert or event, make sure you have permission to stream before going live.

Have you tried mobile streaming yet? What about chat on uploads? Use #AFKsummer to send your best tips our way, and we’ll share the best ones on Twitter or even in a future blog post.

If you missed our previous posts, check them out here: Put your channel page to work while you’re away, Stay in touch with your viewers when you can’t stream.

Stay tuned for next week, when we’ll talk about how you get ready for your return to streaming.

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